Today we spent some time outside harvesting and weeding, but most of the day we spent taking some of our herb seedlings we started and potting them up into larger containers. These went from a starter tray to 4" pots where they will grow nicely. These aren't meant to be planted in the garden. They are going to be our plants we propagate and cut off of for the winter.
The plants started here are basil, cilantro, oregano, lavender, sage, and dill. These have been growing from seed since around May 1st. They all filled out their spaces, and roots are poking through the bottom of the tray. I first watered them in, and while I was waiting on them to absorb the water, I made up plant tags. After they were ready, I filled my pots and transplanted them all. I ended up with two cilantro, one sage, three oregano, two lavender, one basil, and three dill pots! Here are some that I gave to my sister who was in town on a visit.
The rest are now sitting in my basement under grow lights I can't wait for them to get big and full! I hope this inspired you guys, and you feel ready to go ahead and plant or pot up some herbs in your own homes!
~Everbearing Farm