Things we have learned this year include the following: Kids are wonderful and time consuming. Gardening is wonderful and time consuming. Our family has had a new addition which has been extremely rewarding and somehow we have managed to keep the garden going. We take a team approach to it and help each other out if we can, but sometimes it’s about just getting a few things done here and there.
A good way to do it is to zone your garden. Draw a quick picture of your home with your gardens included like the one below. Then outline the garden you have. From this point, split the garden up into five or six pieces. These pieces are your zones, and every day you just pick one zone to work on to keep your garden in shape.
This doesn’t mean you should leave a zone alone if there is something you need to do like harvesting. You can’t just leave the cucumber patch with ripe fruit until the end of the week. You wouldn’t have any food worth having! But this works very nicely for things like keeping up on your weeds, planting new crops, or turning your compost (something we have an update on so come on back for that soon!)
Zoning your garden and doing a little everyday makes maintenance very easy and more of a pleasant experience instead of just going hand on it during the weekend. So I hope you give it a try! Let us know if you do in the comments!
~Everbearing Farm