I love garlic. It is delicious, and you can make so many things with it. We planted about a dozen cloves in our herb bed last year and now it's time to harvest! Some of the plants aren't ready just yet. You can tell by the leaves. The bottom two leaves need to be dead and dried up before pulling. This will make sure you have the biggest heads possible.
The rest of our crop isn't quite ready just yet. So we are letting them stay in the ground to mature. The others are in our basement hanging to dry for storage.
They're looking good, and the outsides are getting drier every day! This process should take about six weeks, and we harvested these about two weeks ago. I can't wait to see the result. We‘ll let you know how it is once they're done!
We would love to know if you have garlic growing in your garden this year and how it turned out! Post in the comment section below!
~Everbearing Farm