I wanted to grow my herb garden and remembering how long it took me to start and grow my herbs the first time to adult plants left me feeling pretty down. My husband suggested taking cuttings and I ran with it! I had never done it before but it really is pretty simple and if you have a pair of pruners, soil, and some time you can get it done in no time!
You start by taking a cutting about 6" long from an established plant. You cut it right above a node where there are two leaves coming out. Then you strip half the stems and plant them into moist soil. Wait about 6 weeks and you can lightly tug your plant. If there is resistance you have roots and a whole new plant!
If you haven't tried this you really need to! Herbs you can reproduce from cuttings include rosemary, thyme, mint, and many more! Have a great time growing everyone!
~Everbearing Farm